
Sunday, March 2, 2014

2014 MLS Season

I am not a betting woman (literally went to Vegas and put less than $20.00 down on a table).   But, I am a woman with opinions, and I certainly have a few about the coming MLS Season.

First off, I love the Seattle Sounders and the San Jose Earthquakes.   Those are the teams that I have held season tickets for, and look at as My Teams!   When they play each other I imagine myself to be like Jackie Harbaugh at the 2013 Superbowl, proud of both teams and what they have accomplished.  But this season, I am also looking in a different direction, I look to the land where first I heard of soccer.  A place where once my local team was The Sting.   Yep, this year, I will keep a close eye on the Chicago Fire!   It seems that maybe old Mother Leary's cow has been at it again.   So here is my armchair analysis of the coming season.   Blogged for prosperity, so I can look back and gloat at my prediction, or humbly walk away with my tail between my legs.

Why do I think there will be a "Hot Time, in the Old Town"?   CHEMISTRY!   I think Frank Yallop is that coach/ chemist.   He lets the boys play.   He sees who gels with each other, and notes the magic that they can create.   He is starting with one of the best reagents in the league, Mike Magee.   That man makes any team better.   He appears to have a knack for building a team.  LA suffered when they lost him, Chicago came alive!   I love him for stepping in and playing keeper from a field position when he had to (6/29/2011) .   I was so happy when Mike won MVP for 2013, simply because he is!   He is not as graceful on the ball as Thierry, or as talented as Robbie.  He engages the whole team, and makes it happen.   I love the name Dilly Duka,  I want to hear it called out even more- it is just fun to say.... DILLY DUKA!   and rivaling him for the best name on the team is Hunter Jumper.   Who writes this stuff?  Now back field, you have Sean Johnson, who I have always felt must be related to Magic-great hands.  And two guys with amazing chemistry, Patrick Ianni, and El Presidente....  John Kennedy Hurtado.   THIS IS A TEAM.    I predict they will take it this year!  FIRE! FIRE! FIRE!

Now to the teams I love the most.  Seattle Sounders and the Quakes.

Sigi is NOT a chemist, but a statistician, unfortunately.   I believe this will be the last year he coaches the Sounders.   The Sounders are perhaps the most successful franchise in the MLS, and Sigi is a great coach, but I think they are not the right match.   He brings in guys with great stats....  and great egos.  Great egos do not make great teams.   Clint Dempsey only seemed to have mojo with Eddie Johnson, and now Johnson is gone.   Sigi traded away almost all that was good and right in the reactive world of the Sounders.   Can Brad Evans and Osvaldo Alonso be the glue?  The sounders secret weapon might be Obafemi Martins.   He is brilliant.  I would like to see Sigi keep a consistent line up over several games.  Overall, I think this is a re-building year, we will see some home grown players come on strong.   I have watched Aaron Kovar since he was juking around players in fifth grade!   I can't wait to watch what I hope is his meteoric rise to grandeur.   He is a nice, smart, VERY TALENTED player.   I have always seen a lot of Landon Donovan type play in him, unlike Landon, he is not a prima donna!   He is passionate about the game, and just gets it done!  I also love our home boys, Deandre Yedlin and though he is not technically a home grown, in my eyes Lamar Neagle qualifies.   It is those young players that give me hope that the Sounders might achieve some greatness this year!  But ultimately, I think it is a building year.  Watch for them coming on strong under a new leader in 2015.

Mark Watson, impressive.   To me, Mark seems a lot like Frank.   I think he is the strong silent coach who sits back and watches the team develop, sees where the chemistry is, and positions it to make more.  This truly seems to be a building year for the Quakes.  The new blood that they acquired in the off season is young.   There are many reasons to be optimistic about this team.   WONDO being the biggest.  Like Mike Magee, he creates a team.  He is scrappy.  Not necessarily so skilled, but man, this man is in the right place at the right time.   He is a true clinch player.  Mike Fucito is the hidden treasure on this team, in my humble opinion.   It is the right team for him to make a name for himself on after a few years of bad luck and injuries.   Look for Mikey to come on strong!  There are the bash brothers, who I sort of wish would bash less, and The bull in the back line, Big Vic aka Muma (Victor Bernardez).  These guys are really nice off the field, but BEASTS on the pitch.   Look for them to really come alive in 2015 with their new stadium.  I expect the same type of energy that Sporting Kansas City experienced...  Only more cause it is Silicon Valley.

Other teams to watch include:

Portland Timbers, Merritt Paulson seems to have his Dad's eye for sustainable growth...   In my eyes, his 2013 team worked together better than any other in the league.

New England Revolution, Young guns having some fun!

LA Galaxy, as a Sounder and Quakes fan, I just can't like them.   But Robbie Keanne is probably the best individual player in the league.

New York Red Bulls, Thierry Henry is the most beautiful ball player in the league, thank God the Quakes have grass so I can witness his grace live on the pitch!

So, one more week until my weekends are filled with MLS LIVE, and home games struggling to squeeze into the mis-labeled seats at Buck Shaw Stadium.   I can't wait!