
Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Happiness Is a Choice!

Last night, I listened as Chiara interviewed Chauncey about happiness for a school project (Click to see her website).

It was such an awesome experience.  His words are still with me this morning:

..."So you know how you would do something over and over again if you want it to become a habit?...  I think the same thing applies to positive thinking in order to attain happiness, 'cause happiness is just a choice in a single moment.  And if you make a habit of choosing to be happy, then you will be consistently more happy.   And I guess, my goal is to be choosing to be happy so frequently that it becomes such an intrinsic like habit, that it just becomes a part of who I am and I am just happy all the time."....

Oh, I wish I were as wise and creative as my kids!   I am a proud mama!

Chiara's Freestyle Website

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