
Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Invitation to the Tea Party!.... Not the political kind.

for Chiara's Party

When I was a stay at home mom, and Chiara was a little girl, tea parties were a very regular occurrence.  Sometimes it was just Kiki and her stuffed animals.   Sometimes it included dear friends.  As Kiki became Z, and I began to work full time, the tea parties all but stopped.   We did have high tea together at Harrods, her answer to having to sit through an live Arsenal match, but other than that tea parties were few and far between.  Shortly before we left Seattle, Chiara asked to have a tea party.  I was thrilled!  Home-made scones, cucumber sandwiches, fresh berries....  I love everything about a tea party!

Tea is so civilized.  It is yummy food in reasonable portions.  It is a moderately sized beverage, that comes naturally sugar free that you can't guzzle down.   It is mostly a chance to gather with friends and enjoy their company.   Also a great excuse to wear awesome hats, dress to the nines (if you are so inclined), and share electronic free time together (who could possibly leave their cell phone on for tea!)

In this era of electronics, we are forced to be a bit less civilized.   Friend's blogs, and facebook photos and personal anecdotes have to serve as my substitute tea party.   Today, I invite you all to virtual tea at my place!

The View 
From Chiara's Most Recent Tea Party

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